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growComponents of a Comprehensive
Psychoeducational Evaluation

Initial consultation
Review of developmental history
Review of previous assessments
Review of detailed input from teachers
Classroom observation (if requested)
Review of input from tutors and therapists
Review of progress reports, report cards, and transcripts
Review of pertinent medical information
Intellectual testing (cognitive abilities)
(e.g., verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, fluid reasoning, working memory, processing speed, executive functioning)
Processing testing
(e.g., auditory processing & visual-spatial thinking)
Language testing (receptive & expressive)
Academic achievement testing (reading, mathematics, & written expression) (basic skills, application of skills, & fluency)
Academic knowledge in content areas (science, social studies, & humanities)
Fine motor integration/handwriting
Attention and behavioral screening
Comprehensive written report (including test results, clinical analysis of performance, diagnoses if warranted, & recommendations for enhancing development & showcasing strengths)
Specially selected referrals
• Conferences to interpret results & discuss recommendations (office and/or on school campus)

Testing To Growpsycho-educational evaluation